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Friday, November 25, 2011

The Grateful Geek

The internet is full of people giving thanks during this holiday season.  Family, friends and home; all things that this geek is also truly thankful for.  I knew that I wanted to do a post about my appreciation of these things as well.

For this particular post, though, I wanted to take a slightly different tack then the norm.  This Thanksgiving has really reinforced for me, the importance of giving thanks through adversity.  Though my circumstances this holiday were certainly far from horrific, I did find myself in circumstances that allowed me to give thanks through some minor inconveniences and annoyances.

1)  My kids got very sick, the night before Thanksgiving.   Both were coughing and miserable.  One had a temperature of 102.

----Grateful for a good mommy to help them and love them through these times.

2)  The Doctor said take them to the emergency room as a precaution.

----Grateful that we have insurance and that there were doctors and nurses trained and willing to help us.

3)  With the holiday, the pharmacy would not be open until more then a day later.

----Grateful that the hospital was willing to give my child the initial dose to get him through

4)  I was asked not to come see my parents home for Thanksgiving.  There was a fear that I would be introducing a nasty virus to a grandmother and a baby niece.

----While disappointed at not getting to go to see my family, I was grateful for the delicious care package of food delivered to us, early Thanksgiving afternoon.

5)  I kept getting interrupted while messing around on the computer by a wife needing things, one son sick and grumpy, and the other constantly wanting to play with me.

----So grateful for a family who need and value me, and actually want to spend time with me.

6)  Didn't get to sleep in my own bed (the kids were piled in with mom in our makeshift recovery ward).

----Grateful for a roof over me and a relatively comfortable sleep through the night.

7)  I had to try and think up a good post to put up on the blog.

----Grateful for the precious freedom of speech in this wonderful country, to speak my mind to others without fear.  I am also, of course, grateful for you.  You took time out of your day to read this entry, and I am humbled and thankful.

May God bless you and your family abundantly this season.  I hope that you always take the time to look around you and recognize the many things that you can truly be grateful for.

~ ~ ~ ~
I looked for a relevant quote for today, and found two good ones:

"If all misfortunes were laid in one common heap whence everyone must take an equal portion, most people would be contented to take their own and depart."  ~Socrates

"We have no right to ask when sorrow comes, 'Why did this happen to me?' unless we ask the same question for every moment of happiness that comes our way."  ~Author Unknown