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Sunday, November 6, 2011

Dating My Wife

It was a Saturday, November the 5th.  The head geek wanted to take out his sweetie on a date.  A good friend from work who was involved in the theater, had mentioned an upcoming performance that his wife was involved in, and it seemed like the perfect venue for our little "night on the town".

The finest laid plans of mice and men had been made.  Another very good friend/co-worker and his wife had graciously agreed to supervise our progeny whilst we were gone.  Though there were reports of a minor revolt in progress at their household (not unusual for small children countries, such as theirs), one half of the daring duo was able to break away and lend us a hand.  Armed with a Game Cube, Netflix computer password, remote control and instructions; we left our liberator and bade a fond farewell.

In the car, your typically trivial husband and wife conversation ensued.  "You remember how to get there, right?"  "I'm pretty sure."  (beware of the Ides of March, eh?)  The Geek's wife had given him a choice of three different restaurants.  After choosing one and inquiring inside, the 30-35 minute wait time made him rethink his plans.  After not too tortuously a drive later, we arrived at one of the alternate destinations.  No waiting?  Score!

The food was delicious of course, but I ate way too much.  I tried carnitas there for the first time.  Not bad, actually.  After paying the bill, it was off to the ATM to get the cash necessary for tickets. and then on to the theater.  After cruising around the area where we were "pretty sure" that the theater was located, we were "pretty sure" that we needed help.  A quick phone call to our hero back at the home front, and we were back on track.  Like a Tom Tom, he helped us recalculate our route.

We arrived a few minutes after 8pm to pick up our tickets.  We were met with a look of dread by one of the staff who endeavored to find us a place of rest in the sold out community theater.  She came back and had found exactly two seats. Huzzah!!!!!  Unfortunately, they were in two separate parts of the theater.  Ooooooooo.  Relatively undaunted, my wife and I plunged ahead.  She took the high road, and I the lower.  After a short bout of shimmying and squeezing, I made it to my seat.

From where I was seated, I could see a direct path to my wife at the back.  I smiled, and would look back at regular intervals to gauge her reaction and catch her glance (we were after all, on a date.  Long distance to be sure, but certainly still a date)  On about the fifth look back I realized there was a lady about two rows back and over that did not know the rest of this story.  From her vantage point, I was just the psychotic man that kept staring in her direction.  After that, I kept my gaze in a more forward position to avoid any further misunderstandings.

The play was a a quaint little comedic murder mystery called the Musical Comedy Murders of 1940 by John Bishop.  My wife and I enjoyed it, and were glad that throughout our date, we were able to keep our sense of humor.  Life is truly unscripted.

I love you Mrs. Geek!

**EDITOR'S NOTE:  Okay, am I not the only one that totally "geeked out" when I read the first line of my entry?  Saturday, November 5th?  Great Scott!!!!  Gotta love being a geek.  ;-)  **