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Friday, June 22, 2012

Game On! Create Your Own Game

Did you ever dream of making your own board, dice or card game?  I just found the perfect place for you.

Trolling my way through the Internet, I saw an article from fellow dad blogger Father Geek.

In his original article (which can be found here) he mentioned that there were a lot of ideas out there for games.  Most of the large game making companies get a lot of submissions and pick ones that they feel will be the most successful.  That leaves many game ideas unfulfilled.  Some folks who get their ideas rejected either give up or try presenting it to another company.

Now they and you have a way to get their games out there with no risk.  Interested?  You should head over to  With this site, you can create your very own board or card game, with the option to let others buy it from you.  The Game Crafter touts itself as "the world’s first web-to-print game publishing company and offers a print on demand game publishing service."

It is a really neat setup. Game Crafter makes it very easy to take your idea and make it a reality.  They provide simple to use templates and instructions.  They have a game editor to help you keep track of some of your more complex designs and even access to tools that will help you produce the graphics.  After you upload your game to the site, you can have them immediately produce it for you to buy, with no minimum for you to purchase (although you can get a discount on bulk orders).

And it doesn't stop there!  You can also set a public price for the game and sell it to the general public as well.  You get to keep 70% of the profits from any sales, which is amazing!.  No one can promise you that you will make a million bucks on it, but how neat would it be to see your creation out there for others to have?

In addition to someone looking to sell their games, they would work great for educators or even families to make some really neat personalized games.  I'm sure the geek in you could combine some of the best elements of some of the games that you have enjoyed in the past, and come up with a great idea or two!


"A rock pile ceases to be a rock pile the moment a single man contemplates it, bearing within him the image of a cathedral."  ~Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, Flight to Arras, 1942